Human/Machine Symbiosis and Artificial Intelligence - conferences (May 23rd)
- Dr. Laurent Bougrain, head of the NEURORHYTHMS team from LORIA, Université de Lorraine/CNRS
Deep learning and transfer learning for the recognition of motor brain electrical activity
- Pr. Bernard Bayle, head of the RDH team from ICube, University of Strasbourg/CNRS, and HealthTech Director
Evolutions of robotics in recent years. From human friendly robots to AI
- Pr. Antoine Cornuéjols, head of the LINK team from UMR MIA-Paris AgroParisTech - INRA
Does the brain have a role in Artificial Intelligence?
Young tenured invited scientists
- Dr. Thomas Hureau Prix Espoir de l'Université de Strasbourg 2021, CRBS Strasbourg
Muscle-Brain interaction during exercise: The pivotal role of afferent feedback
- Dr. Nadège Vernet Médaille de bronze CNRS 2021, IGBMC, Strasbourg
Spermatogenesis in all its states : The journey of a “young” researcher
The JCI Scientific Committee from:
- BSC: Biotechnologie et signalisation cellulaire - UMR7242
- CAMB: Laboratoire conception et application de molécules bioactives - UMR7199
- ICube: Laboratoire des sciences de l'ingénieur, de l'information et de l'imagerie - UMR7357
- IGBMC: Institut de génétique moléculaire et cellulaire - UMR7104 - U964
- LBP: Laboratoire de bioimagerie et pathologies - UMR7021
- LIT: Laboratoire d'innovation thérapeutique – UMR7200
Contact : jci[at]