Master Application Procedure

Application dates for 2025/2026

Campus France/EEF: October 1 - December 15
eCandidat: February 14- May 1

Application Overview

1.1 The Master's Program

The HealthTech Master is one of 6 available Master tracks of the Master IRIV (Imagerie, Robotique, Ingénierie pour le Vivant) at Télécom Physique Strasbourg and is the only track fully taught in English. The program is highly international, with over half of the current student body coming from outside of France, many of them coming from countries outside of the EU.

Due to the interdisciplinary nature of the program, the program is open to students from diverse backgrounds that correspond to the two primary research axes of HealthTech. Applicants must have at least a 4-year Bachelor's degree in order to apply. As English is the language of instruction, a certification of English level is required, however, certification of French language level is not required.

1.2 Application Procedure

Follow the application procedure depending on your nationality/country of residence.

  • If you hold European citizenship or if you are an international students from a country NOT listed on the Campus France website , follow the procedure for eCandidat.
  • If you do not have European citizenship and are from one of the countries listed on the Campus France website , follow the procedure for international students. Please ensure that you complete the supplemental dossier.
    * International students who have not already applied on Campus France are eligible to apply on eCandidat. If you have been accepted by Campus France, do not apply a second time on eCandidat.

Following the selection process, all top candidates will be called upon for an interview with the HealthTech directors. Final selection will be done following the conclusion of all interviews and candidates will be notified of acceptance, waitlist, or rejection at that time.


Due to the high number of applications received, HealthTech is unable to provide personalized status updates or feedback on applications.

Applying through eCandidat  French and European Applicants

2.1 Creating an account 

Platform access:

The eCandidat platform is available in both French and English. If you need to switch your language to English, click on the flag on the top right of the page.

For students that have never been enrolled at the University of Strasbourg: on the bottom part of the home screen, click on “Create an Account”. You will be asked for your name, email address, and a password. Once your account is created, input your log-in information under the heading “Not a Student at the Université de Strasbourg”. 

For students that have been or are currently a student at the University of Strasbourg: on the homepage under the heading “Student at the University of Strasbourg” login using your University of Strasbourg credentials. 

Once your account is created and you have logged in, to select the Master HealthTech, go to the menu Degree Programs:

  • Scroll down to “Télécom Physique Strasbourg”
  • Select “Master LMD”
  • to apply to the 1st year Master track: choose "Master 1ère année Optique, image, vision, multimédia : HealthTech", then validate.
  • to apply to the 2nd year Master track: choose "Master 2ème année Optique, image, vision, multimédia : HealthTech", then validate.

2.2 Uploading Documents

All documents must be either in French or in English. If your documents are not in one of these two languages, translations are required. Translations may take time to acquire.

  • A copy of your French ID card (front and back) or passport page with photograph
  • A recent passport photo
  • A copy of your high school transcript (baccalauréat)
  • A copy of your high school diploma (diplôme du baccalauréat)
  • A copy of any higher education diplomas (multi-page PDF accepted)
  • A copy of the transcripts from the last 4 years of study
  • A résumé
  • A personal statement/letter of motivation in English
  • 1 or 2 letters of recommendation
  • Proof of English language level of B2 or higher
  • HealthTech Fellowship form (downloadable through eCandidat)
  • Course choice ranking form (downloadable through eCandidat)
  • Sworn statement on the differentiated tuition rates (downloadable through eCandidat)

Once your account is created and the degree program has been selected, you must prepare your application. In the menu on the left-hand side, click on “my account à applications”. Click on your application and select “Open”. You will see an overview of your application and application status. Upload the required documents by clicking on « + » on the appropriate line. Click on « - » if you wish to remove the uploaded document.

Other documents are not compulsory for application. If you do not wish to add them, click on "document does not apply to me" and validate your selection (e.g. for the copies of your post-secondary degree diplomas if you do not have any yet).

In the section “Perso. information”, the high school diploma series to be selected for international students is “0031 - titre étranger admis en équivalence” (high school diploma obtained outside of France). The 0001-bac international only applies to French students whom obtained a French international high school diploma.

2.4  Submitting Your Application

Once you have uploaded all the required documents, click on “Submit my application”. You will receive email confirmation of your submission. If you fail to click on “Submit my application”, your application will not be reviewed by the Academic Commission.

Applying through Campus France/EEF  International candidates

3.1 For international students requiring a visa to study in France

All international candidates for whom the nationality is listed below must apply through Campus France/Etudes en France. You can find the HealthTech Master's track by searching for Telecom Physique Strasbourg (TPS).  HealthTech is listed as one of the Master's tracks within the Master IRIV at TPS.

3.1.1. Countries requiring the Campus France application:
Algeria, Argentina, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Benin, Bolivia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Chad, Chile, China, Colombia, Comoros, Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Ethiopia, Gabon, Georgia, Ghana, Guinea, Haiti, India, Indonesia, Iran, Israel, Ivory Coast, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Peru, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Vietnam.

* Syrian applicants will need to apply through the Lebanese portal as there is no open French consulate in Syria.

3.1.2 Required documents for Campus France
  • A copy of your passport
  • A passport photo
  • A copy of your high school transcript
  • A copy of your Bachelor’s degree transcript, including the details of each course taken, grade, coefficients, and honors awarded
  • A copy of any other transcripts you may have obtained
  • A résumé (CV)
  • A letter of motiviation/personal statement for your choice to join the HealthTech program/adequation with your professional plans
  • The official program curriculum for your most recent degree
  • 2 letters of recommendations from professors or supervisors
  • Proof of a B2 in English

3.2 Procedure:

The Campus France website has the most accurate and up-to-date information about how to proceed. See the section "Applying in a 2nd or 3rd year of a Bachelor's or in a Master's degree" for more specific information about the procedure. 

3.3 Supplemental Materials following Campus France Decision

Students who have received a favorable opinion from Campus France will need to provide the following documents using the naming conventions at the beginning of each line:

  • LASTNAME_MOTIVATION: a one-page letter of motivation in English outlining your interest in HealthTech, your professional objectives, and your academic/professional background
  • LASTNAME_TRANSCRIPTS: a copy of your transcripts from all your years of higher education (Bachelor's and Master's, if applicable)
  • LASTNAME_CURRICULUM: a copy of your program curriculum (course details, information, objectives, etc. that will show material covered and competences acquired)
  • LASTNAME_RECOMMENDATIONS: 1 or 2 letters of recommendation
  • LASTNAME_MOBILITI: HealthTech Fellowship form (downloadable here)

These documents must be submitted in a single folder named
M?_LASTNAME_SUPPLEMENTAL-DOSSIER . For M1 applicants (first year of the Master's), begin your folder name with M1. For M2 applicants (second year of the Master's) begin your folder name with M2.
The folder must be uploaded to the following Seafile link no later than March 28th at 23:59 GMT +1 (French time). Please note that you will not receive a confirmation email for your upload.

LINK to upload your supplemental information 

Enrolling at the University of Strasbourg  All accepted students

At the end of June or in early July, all accepted students who have confirmed their acceptance through eCandidat will receive an automatic email from eCandidat stating that the enrollment period for the university is open. In 2024, the enrollment period opened on June 24th. 

To enroll at the University of Strasbourg, you will need to follow several steps:

1. Pay your CVEC (Student life and campus contribution) online at In 2024, the CVEC cost 103 euros.

  • For international students: if you are asked for an INE (student ID number) when paying your CVEC, you should click "Je n'ai pas d'INE" (I don't have a student ID number) to move forward. You will be assigned an INE during this procedure; ensure that you write it down.
  • Please enter your name carefully: nom patronymique = last name (ex. CARPENTER) and prénom = first name (ex. John)

2. Register on the University of Strasbourg website

  • the site will open in early July for incoming students.
  • You will need your CVEC and a bank card (debit or credit) to pay your administrative enrollment fee of 250 euros (cost in 2024).
  • Complete your application and activate your Ernest (university intranet). Be sure to check your student email through Ernest regularly through the summer.
  • Upload your required documents.
    • You will need to purchase assurance responsabilité civile as one of your documents.

      The assurance responsabilité civile is a liability insurance coverage that French people have to have. This insurance covers the damage one can unintentionally do to others. It is mandatory for students enrolled at the University of Strasbourg. You will therefore need to subscribe to one upon arrival.

      This insurance coverage is usually included either in the home insurance or in student complementary health insurance (although not all students subscribe to this complementary health insurance). It is therefore recommended to wait until arrival in Strasbourg to subscribe to this liability insurance, since in most cases it will be included through some other form of insurance (usually the home insurance). If it's not, you will be able to find one online, for an estimated cost of 10-20€/year. 

Note: Your enrollment is only complete once you receive the message "Votre demande d'inscription a bien été prise en compte pour l'année 2025-2026."

Due to university holidays and the annual closure during the month of August, response times may be delayed.

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ Applying

  •  I haven't received my Bachelor's diploma yet. What do I upload as my most recent diploma?
    • The University website requires students to upload the copy of the last obtained diploma, which enables access to the appropriate graduate level ("Copie de l'attestation de réussite du dernier diplôme obtenu donnant accès au niveau d'études demandé"). If you have not yet received your BSc diploma, you should upload your high school diploma (if it is indeed the last diploma you have received at the time of registration to HealthTech's MSc).
  •  What should I upload as a certificate of English language proficiency?
    • See Section 2.2.1 above for case-by-case explanations.
  •  What is the detailed course program/programme detaillé d'enseignement?
    • The detailed course program is the compiled descriptions/syllabi/information on the coursework that you completed in previous courses of study. This document should provide information about what courses were taken and what material was covered in a particular course, for each course in a previous program. Some universities provide this automatically as part of a predetermined curriculum, but other universities may provide these to a lesser degree.
    •  My university does not provide a detailed course program. What do I do? If your university does not provide a detailed course program, you can provide any course syllabi/descriptions that you have received from the teachers. If you are unable to provide this information, you can likewise re-upload your transcripts in this section.
  • How do I write a motivation letter/personal statement/cover letter? How long should it be?
    • ​​​​​​​Your personal statement should be no longer than one page, single spaced and should provide information about who you are as a candidate, why you are applying, why you are interested in HealthTech and how HealthTech will help you achieve your professional goals. The personal statement should be written in academic or formal language and should be personal to you as an application. Do not submit texts written by generative AI.

FAQ Enrolling

What is "assurance responsabilité civile" and do I need one?

The assurance responsabilité civile is a liability insurance coverage that French people are required to have. This insurance covers the damage one can unintentionally do to others. It is mandatory for students enrolled at the University of Strasbourg. You will therefore need to subscribe to one upon arrival.

This insurance coverage is usually included either in the home insurance or in student complementary health insurance (although not all students subscribe to this complementary health insurance). It is therefore recommended to wait until arrival in Strasbourg to subscribe to this liability insurance, since in most cases it will be included through some other form of insurance (usually the home insurance). If it's not, you will be able to find one online, for an estimated cost of 10-20€/year.