
HealthTech relies on three main governance bodies and a coordinator to guarantee its efficient management in agreement with the modalities of the University of Strasbourg.

HealthTech coordinator

HealthTech is led by Prof Bernard Bayle, expert in medical robotics and deputy head of the Robotics, Data science and Healthcare technologies (RDH) team of ICube laboratory. Full Professor at Telecom Physique Strasbourg, where he co-created in 2011 an innovative graduate curriculum in biomedical engineering, he has proven pedagogical experience in information sciences and technology for healthcare. Prof Bayle’s research interests include mechatronic design, modeling and control of robotic systems, with a special focus on medical robotics and force feedback technology.

Executive commitee

HealthTech is supported by its executive committee composed of 10 members, in charge of the coordination and implementation of HealthTech’s projects in research and education. The 10 members represent the diversity of the thematic fields of HealthTech, from biomechanics, image processing and robotics to data science and economics.


Steering committee

The steering committee is composed of the directors of each partner institution, allowing for a broad representation of interdisciplinarity. They supervise HealthTech’s strategic policy on research, training and technology transfer, and monitor the assessment of these activities.

  • Prof Bernard Bayle - HealthTech director
  • Prof Romuald Boné - INSA Strasbourg
  • Dr Jean-Philippe Lagrange - INRIA Grand Est
  • Prof Jocelyn Donze - Augustin Cournot Doctoral School
  • Mme Caroline Dreyer - BioValley France
  • Dr Claude Guittard - Faculty of Economics and Management
  • Dr Michael Gutnic - Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
  • Prof Fabrice Heitz - ICube
  • Dr Herrade Igersheim - BETA
  • Prof Jacques Marescaux - IRCAD
  • Prof Christian Debry - IHU Strasbourg
  • Prof Thomas Noël - Doctoral School of Mathematics, Computer Science and Engineering
  • Prof Fabien Prégaldiny - Télécom Physique Strasbourg
  • Dr Maxime Lehmann - Doctoral School of Life and Health Sciences
  • Prof Jean Sibilia - Faculty of Medicine

Scientific advisory board

Composed of three external experts in the fields covered by HealthTech, although external to the project, the scientific advisory board will make strategic recommendations to ensure HealthTech is pursuing its expected groundbreaking objectives.

  • Prof Francesca Chiaromonte, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy and Penn State University, USA.

Prof. Chiaromonte is a professor of statistics, director of the Genome Sciences Institute at the Huck Institutes of Penn State, and scientific coordinator for Economics and Management in the era of Data Science at the Institute of Economics of the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies.

  • Prof Ferdinando Rodriguez y Baena, Imperial College, Hamlyn Centre, London, UK.

Co-director of the Hamlyn Centre, Prof. Ferdinando Rodriguez y Baena is Professor of Medical Robotics in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Imperial College, where he leads the Mechatronics in Medicine laboratory as well as the applied mechanics division.

  • Prof Jean-Philippe Thiran, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland.

Expert in computer vision, machine learning and computational medical imaging, Prof. Thiran leads the Signal Processing Laboratory LTS5 at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL). He also holds a position at the Department of Radiology of the University of Lausanne.

Initiative of Excellence

The University of Strasbourg, together with its partners CNRS and Inserm, launched in 2019 the development of Interdisciplinary Thematic Institutes (ITI), under the aegis of the Excellence Initiative (IdEx), to promote interdisciplinarity and training through research. As such, the strategy of all 15 Interdisciplinary Thematic Institutes will be overseen by the IdEx steering committee and three distinct supervisory boards, that will help develop a quality assurance system and promote rules of good conduct to ensure a safe and equitable environment.

Learn more about the Investments for the future program