Prospective Ph.D. applicants:
The application period for the open PhD positions is currently closed. The next application period is anticipated to open in March 2025.
Every year, HealthTech launches a call for PhD proposals in order to favor training through research by supporting outstanding doctoral projects offered to high potential MSc graduates.
Prospective Ph.D. applicants:
The application period for the open PhD positions is currently closed. The next application period is anticipated to open in March 2025.
When registered in a doctoral school, PhD students are required to follow scientific and socioprofessional (transversal) training programs. In this context, the catalog of disciplinary courses of the HealthTech Master track will be made available to interested PhD students, on top of other scientific and multi-disciplinary training opportunities offered by doctoral schools. For doctoral students who would like to register in HealthTech Master track classes as part of their doctoral training program, please contact the HealthTech coordination team to see if the classes are open.
HealthTech PhD project funding includes:
This complementary funding supports the investment in new pieces of equipment for PhD students' experiments, and allows them to participate to national and international conferences, covering transportation and accommodation costs.
HealthTech offers PhD students the opportunity gain teaching experience through teaching assistant positions. PhD students are strongly encouraged to teach in HealthTech's Master track, or offer lectures in our partner institutions.
In the interest of promoting interdisciplinarity, all funded PhD projects are co-supervised by at least two research scientists from different disciplinary backgrounds.