Applications to HealthTech's Master training program for the academic year 2025/2026 :
Opening dates Campus France (international candidates) October 1-December 15, opening dates for eCandidat: February/March 2025
Check out the Admission section for details on the application procedure.
HealthTech offers a highly competitive interdisciplinary graduate program, fully taught in English, dedicated to information science and technology for healthcare. Curriculum topics range from medical imaging, robotics and artificial intelligence to economics, data science and medicine.
Page contents
What we offer
- International graduate program fully taught in English
- Interdisciplinary training
- Fellowships for selected HealthTech fellows
- Early hands-on experience in a research laboratory
- Welcoming and networking events for international students
- Opportunities for PhD studies
- A site of excellence in the center of Europe
Download and share our information leaflet here:
The training program is operated by Telecom Physique Strasbourg, and constitutes one of the specialty tracks of the IRIV Master program. All course syllabi can be found in the tab "International" -> "HealthTech" and are available in both French and English.
First year Master track
Teaching units and courses

*HealthTech disciplinary elective courses: choose 2 teaching units out of the 4, respecting the following schedule incompatibilities:
- 1st elective course: select either Modeling & simulation or Imaging physics
- 2nd elective course: select either Biomechanics or Artificial intelligence
Second year Master track
Teaching units and courses

For incoming students directly joining at the Master 2 level
*HealthTech disciplinary elective courses: choose 2 teaching units out of the 4, respecting the following schedule incompatibilities:
- Either Modeling & simulation or Imaging physics
- Either Medical robotics or Medical image processing
- Either Biomechanics or Artificial intelligence
For students following the Master 2 after completion of the Master 1 track
- Students will follow the Medical image processing course in lieu of the common core (already followed during the M1 studies)
- Students will enroll in the 2 disciplinary courses not followed during the M1 studies (either Modeling & simulation or Imaging physics + either Biomechanics or Artificial intelligence)
Opportunities following the training program
At the end of the program, students will receive a Master’s degree in Science, Technology and Healthcare from the University of Strasbourg, with a specialty in HealthTech.
Career opportunities following graduation include :
- Opportunities for PhD studies with public or private partners
- Emergence of innovative projects providing jobs with high added value for MSc graduates
- Industrial contacts and support for the creation of start-up companies
Pedagogical innovation
Our goal was to implement a novel learning curriculum fully fitting to the broad spectrum of disciplinary fields embedded in HealthTech. By introducing new pedagogical practices based on transversal skills acquired through project-oriented training, combined with the use of creativity methods, our hope is to boost students’ involvement and create a dynamic learning environment.
Our strategy is to go beyond the frontiers of conventional academic teaching.